Surly, arrogant, bitter, a product of an abusive childhood. Seeking a means to vent inner furies without censure, he joins the British Green Dragoons — his reputation for cruelty widely known.


Fleeing a life of ease in England, joins Colonel Tarrington, a man he both admires and fears. A man of strong principles, Lieutenant Jackson embroils himself in a dangerous rush to destiny in an ugly war.


Daughter of a Scottish immigrant family who fled Scotland in the aftermath of Culloden. Although seeming independent and confident, she is tormented by old ghosts and insecurities from a past of hurts and conflict.


Kathryn’s doting, but overbearing, older brother. Suffering devastating grief after his wife’s untimely death, he is left struggling to cope with the rearing of four small children. The sole burden of consolation falls to Kathryn, who although deeply concerned, wants and demands a life of her own.

Her stubborn need for freedom places her on the trail to the Cherokee village of Keowee to visit a renowned healer she fondly calls Anna. Stumbling upon Colonel Tarrington’s British Dragoon encampment, she throws caution to the wind and blindly steps onto a collision course with destiny.


Kathryn’s adored nephew who loves his feisty, brave aunt: eventually understands her difficult choices — ones his father will never accept for his patriotic fervor is an obsessive, all-consuming passion. Distraught at his sister’s betrayal, he will accept nothing short of ‘justice’ where she is concerned.

“The author did a great job evoking time and place in a very different era. There seemed to be considerable research done on plot points to ensure they fit smoothly and accurately; incorporating a number of historical events into the book without slowing down the plot. I thought the events moved quickly and kept the reader interested.”
– JUDGE’S COMMENT from 19th Annual Self-Published Book Awards Competition
“The author did a great job evoking time and place in a very different era. There seemed to be considerable research done on plot points to ensure they fit smoothly and accurately; incorporating a number of historical events into the book without slowing down the plot. I thought the events moved quickly and kept the reader interested.”
– JUDGE’S COMMENT from 19th Annual Self-Published Book Awards Competition

Exciting News! A Prequel is in the works!